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Six copywriters sitting at a  wooden desk with laptops, representing Alexy Pro Writing and their content marketing services: social media, website content and landing pages.

Content Marketing: Social Media, Website Content/Landing Page

Are you struggling to determine the correct type of writing for your website, business blog, or social media posts? You're not alone; it costs many. At Alexy PWS, we offer content writing and copywriting services, but we understand that the two are not interchangeable.

Through micro-blogs and social media posts, content writing inform
s, educates and adds value to your readers, building relationships with your audience as a crucial part of the sales funnel pipeline. On the other hand, copywriting is concise and targeted. It focuses on driving conversions and sales with website copy and landing pages, feature articles, advertisements, proposals, long-form blog posts, technical documents, white papers, and other digital assets designed to persuade your audience to take action.

Our expert writers are skilled in crafting persuasive, high-converting copy customized to your business needs and speaking directly to your audience. We conduct thorough research, interview you and your customers, experience your product, and survey your visitors. If available, we will also
 talk with your team to ensure we deliver copy tailored to your audience's preferences and aligned with your revenue goals. We also stay up-to-date with the latest SEO practices and Google algorithms to ensure our content is optimized for search engines and delivers value and engagement to your audience.

At Alexy PWS, we are committed to providing exceptional writing services that cater to your business goals. Contact us today to get started on achieving your marketing objectives.


“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust.  Trust drives revenue."               - Andrew Davis

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